ENabling Knowledge Integration
ENKI is a flexible, collaborative ecosystem for thermodynamic modeling of geologic systems. ENKI is built upon the ThermoEngine package, an easy-to-use Python framework for using, comparing, and developing thermodynamic models. At the center of ThermoEngine is the MELTS family of models. The ENKI project is the brainchild of Mark Ghiorso and was first developed by Mark and an interdisciplinary team of colleagues in 2016. Since then, many tools and applications have been built on top of the ThermoEngine package and many more tools are in development. Click here to learn more about ENKI and ThermoEngine.
ENKI Workshop at Goldschmidt 2025!. (January 9, 2025)
Registration is now open for our workshop at the 2025 Goldschmidt Meeting. The 1-day workshop, 'Advances in thermodynamic modeling of volcanic processes using MELTS and the ENKI software ecosystem', will be held Sunday, July 6, 2025. This workshop will introduce users new and old to the ENKI thermodynamic modeling ecosystem and to the latest developments in modeling volcanic/magmatic processes near the surface and at depth. We will showcase a selection of ENKI’s suite of open-source thermodynamic modeling tools, with a focus on how ENKI’s thermoengine software package provides easy access to the entire suite of MELTS models. More information about the workshop can be found here. The deadline for workshop registration is May 21, 2025.
Upcoming developments: an easy-to-install ThermoEngine package. (December 13, 2024)
ENKI developers have been working diligently to create a version of the core ThermoEngine module that is easily installed as a standard, lightweight Python package on a user’s local machine. This package will be faster, easier to use, and require less storage space than any previous MELTS implementation. We also plan to host a workshop at Goldschmidt 2025 that will focus on the new ThermoEngine package, as well as other exciting developments, such as MELTS 2.0 and a new gallery of research and teaching tools. More workshop details coming soon!
ENKI development will soon be moved to a cloud-based production server; the original development server will be decommissioned on Nov 4, 2021. (October 13, 2021)
The ENKI development server will be decommissioned on November 4th, 2021. This server has been superseded by the Google Cloud-based ENKI production server, which will continue to provide community modeling resources and deliver free access to the ENKI software ecosystem. The development server is no longer capable of delivering the computing resources necessary to support the growing ENKI user community. If you have files on the development server that you wish to save, please log into your account prior to November 4, and download them for safekeeping. To continue using the ENKI modeling platform, please watch Accessing the ENKI software ecosystem on the ENKI Portal YouTube channel to learn how to make an account on the ENKI production server.
Accessing the ENKI software ecosystem (March 31, 2021)
Want to access the ENKI software ecosystem? This video shows you two simple ways.
Presentation: "Modeling magma storage: A data science perspective" (March 31, 2021)
If you missed the SZ4D MCS volcano workshop on Feb 23, 2021, here's the video to watch at your leisure. Mark S. Ghiorso discusses—from a data science perspective—issues related to model construction, interoperability, and publication. (Begins around 49:00.)
New cloud-based production server (February 27, 2020)
You may have noticed a new server in the ENKI SERVERS menu at the top of the website: the production server. This cloud-based resource runs the most stable version of ENKI. Use it for class work, workshops, routine calculations, or anything that does not require new and untested features or novel capabilities of ENKI.
The development server (formerly Compute Server) contains the latest code but is less stable than the production server and may contain bugs. Use the development server for situations in which some new feature needs to be alpha- or beta-tested.
Third ENKI user workshop (August 12, 2019)
Group photo from third ENKI user workshop, Breckenridge, Colorado
Equilibrate module (August 3, 2019)
We have much to report, but for now we wanted to alert you that the equilibrate module in Thermoengine has been significantly improved.
The equilibrate module implements a Python interface to the Equilibrate and EquilState classes. It also implements a Python class called MELTSmodel that wraps the objective-C classes (EquilibrateUsingMELTSv102, EquilibrateUsingMELTSv110, EquilibrateUsingMELTSv120, EquilibrateUsingpMELTSv561, EquilibrateUsingMELTSwithDEW, and EquilibrateUsingStixrude).
The Equilibrate class provides methods to calculate an equilibrium phase assemblage given a list of Phase class instances. You can calculate equilibrium in closed thermodynamic systems under a variety of constraints:
You can also calculate equilibrium under constraints of fixed temperature and pressure in open thermodynamic systems by specifying one or more fixed elemental chemical potentials.
For details of the underlying theory and algorithms implemented in the Equilibrate class, see the notebooks in the PublicNotebooks/Equilibrate folder on the ENKI server.
See also Equilibrate package in the Thermoengine documentation.
ENKI Server Update (Feb 19, 2017)
The ENKI server is now running JupyterLab with a number of extensions that improve server performance. The server now has better access to the file system, including a public notebook folder, and has direct access to the ENKI-portal resources at GitLab. Jupyter notebooks work as before, but you may notice that some notebook commands are located in a different part of the user interface. For a tour of the interface, see the YouTube video, Intro to the ENKI Server.